You think you are doing well...
Hi there,
A couple of weeks before Christmas, I finished writing my 2 nd book of the 'Tom Stevens' series and a prequel about one of the main characters. I decided to take a wel-earned rest.
However, as soon as the festivities were over, I was back at my desk planning my third book. Writing is like a drug, and when you have finished one in the series, you’re motivated to move on to the next book. I mentioned in a previous blog that I'm not a great planner, but I did make some notes this time, which are pinned to a board in front of me.
I began writing the first chapter two days ago and finished it last night. So far, so good. Today, I re-read the chapter and had to change things, which took me all day. That's the
problem with writing. You think you are doing well, but when you re-visit your script written the day before, you find all kinds of issues you need to address. I'm not complaining; just informing you about the ups and downs of a writer's life. 5000 words completed for chapter 1. Only another 80,000 words to write!! I’ll keep you informed of how it’s progressing.
Back to my favourite pastime – golf. Monday at 9.00 a.m., I teed off from the first tee in pleasant, calm weather, though rain was forecast for late morning. An hour later, it started to sleet, then snow. We played on in the snowstorm for as long as possible until we realised we must be demented! The course was covered in snow, and golf balls are white, making the difficult to find on the fairway. Putting on the green was nigh impossible. After rolling a couple of feet, the ball ended up like a snowball. Commonsense prevailed. We gave up and miserably walked into the clubhouse, disappointed with the outcome.
It's Friday night, and the suitcase has been packed, double-checked for content, and weighed. We are off on our jolly holiday to warmer climes. (I hope!) My wife and I are going away for a week. It's been a long four years since our last holiday, so we are excited and looking forward to our stay.
My next blog, therefore, will be in two weeks.
Meanwhile, adeus and happy reading.
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