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Compelling Characters

There is always room for improvement..

Hi there,

I hope you are well and enjoyed our late summer's last few sunny days. But who knows? We could still enjoy another short heat wave in October! (here's me hoping!)

The climate changes we have seen worldwide on our television screens this summer beggar's belief. We've seen scorching temperatures, hurricanes, storms, and flooding, causing devastation and loss of life and homes. My heart goes out to all those families who have suffered.

One wonders what is happening to our climate. Yes, global warming impacts our environment, and we shouldn't ignore it. We are constantly told that greenhouse gas emissions are increasing and climate change is getting worse. But what is the solution? It's a complex situation and a worrying one. I hope the powers-to-be combine to make the right decisions!

Compelling Characters

This week, I want to discuss the compelling characters in my steamy, contemporary romance and suspense series. The more I write, read and research the craft of writing, the more I learn about becoming a better writer. I'm not there yet, but I hope to have improved my skills by the time I have completed the six-book Series. As Jerry Jenkins, a fiction novelist of over 200 books, states, there is always room for improvement.

The main characters in my book are Tom (deputy headteacher), Michelle (support assistant),  (Barclay (teacher and businessman), Diane (support assistant), Andy (student), Mrs Everett (headteacher), Mr Jackson (Andy's dad), Margaret (deputy headteacher) and Julie (teacher).  

By developing multi-dimensional characters with real-life personality issues and emotions, I have created an opportunity for the readers to experience compassion, concern and a range of feelings for them. Such a connection will hopefully lead to readers finishing the book and wanting more of the same.

Jim Foley (President of Bookbaby) states, 'Characters are the lifeblood of our stories.' This statement is true. Readers want to identify and engage with characters who reflect their own personalities, imperfections, successes, struggles and desires. If the characters are convincing, believable, and alive in your readers' minds, the readers will resonate with them. 

The characters in the 'Tom Steven's' Series all have a voice that is uniquely their own. They are convincing characters with goals, ambition, motivations and challenges, but they are also vulnerable and have flaws. As the story progresses, you will see how these characters change.

My Characters

Tom Stevens (protagonist) is ambitious, whereas Barclay Hughes (antagonist) isn't. There is a dire conflict between them, which could endanger a student. Mr Jackson (antagonist) strongly believes his son is in danger at school, with good reason. He is constantly on Tom's back and threatens him with the police. Tom has to take positive action to extricate himself from this situation. Tom and Margaret have marriage problems and lead double lives. Both are having illicit affairs. Michelle, a divorcee, has worked with Tom for ten years and always fancied him. She has a chance to seduce him, but will she risk it? Diane has recently joined the school and works with Barclay's class.

Barclay blackmails Diane into a sexual relationship. Andy suddenly changes from a fun-loving student who loves everything about school to someone who doesn't want to be there. What is he afraid of? Mrs Everett steals money from a school account and regrets her motives. Julie works with Margaret and starts a sexual relationship that ends in disaster.

If you like the above characters and enjoy steamy, contemporary romance and suspense novels, why not give this book a try?

Find all the details at

That's all for now.

Take care and happy reading.


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