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Feast of Sports

This feast of sports has tested my resolve this last couple of months...

Hi there,

Have you been enjoying the diverse range of top-class sports on television recently? I've certainly been engaged and fascinated by the variety. That’s because I love watching and playing sports. 

Since the football season ended in May, we have been inundated with sports. We’ve had the European Football Championship, World International Rugby Union friendlies (men and women), the Golf Open Championship, Wimbledon, Test Cricket, and now the Olympics. And, for good measure, the Olympic Games will last another three weeks. The good thing about the Olympics is that there are so many different sports to watch, something for everybody. There has to be at least one sport you may be interested in, surely! 

Guess what comes next? Yes, it will be the start of another long Football season. Aren’t we lucky!! 

Now, be honest: does the above excite you, bore you, or do you have that ‘don’t care less’ attitude? 

My wife is long-suffering when it comes to sports on television. She will tolerate it to an extent, but she is generally outvoted two to one in our household. Luckily, she has an iPad and will usually put on earplugs or go to another room to watch her programmes. 

What do you do in this situation?  

Do you sit and watch sports because you like to?  

Do you sit with your boyfriend/partner/husband to watch even though you are not really interested? 

Do you follow the example of my wife? 

Do you escape watching sports altogether and go out to meet your friends? 

Does your boyfriend/partner/husband ask you to go out if there is a game on because he has invited a few friends to the house? 

Or is it the other way around? 

Would you say that your partner watching sports on television interferes with your relationship? 

Count the yes and no answers. Although there are no right or wrong answers, something may come up that identifies a possible question that needs answering!! 




This feast of sports has tested my resolve this last couple of months. I thought my determination to finish my series of books would keep me on track, but the distractions have been difficult to ignore. My story's daily word count has been abysmal, sometimes zero, my worst ever, and I only have myself to blame. I’ll be glad when these bloody Olympics have finished. I don’t mean that. It’s only day 2, and I’ve been glued to the screen. My excuse is that they only come around every four years.  

I must do better, though. I need to get back to my usual schedule and just watch the highlights later at night. I will monitor my schedule and daily word count this week to see if there is any improvement. There will be, I guarantee. 



The ‘Tom Stevens’ Series, Books 1-6 

Book 4   ‘An Educated Guess,’ Part 2, has recently been released on Amazon. 

Book 5   ‘An Educated Vision,’  Part 1, is finished but needs editing before publishing. 

Book 6    ‘An Educated Vision,’ Part 2, is half-finished. 

I’m hoping both books to be completed and ready for publishing before Christmas. 

If you require any further information about me or my books, please go to:- 


That’s all for this time. 

Happy reading 


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