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Happy Father's Day

You have to be prepared to do so much for them...

Hi there,

How are you coping with this hot weather, and have the storms hit you yet? I love this weather, but my wife can't cope with it. We haven't experienced any storms, but I'm sure they will hit us soon. I've seen evidence of them on the TV news, and they look horrendous. They may be short-lived, but they can cause havoc. Let's look on the bright side. Surely this hot spell can't last much longer. This is the UK, not Spain or Portugal!!!

'Happy Father's Day' this Sunday to all you dads out there, young and old. It's such a privilege to be a dad and watch your children grow up through the natural stages of baby, toddler, child, pre-teens, teenagers and finally, adulthood. All the dads out there will be at different stages with their child /children, crossing off all the milestones and sharing them with their wives/partners. They are all joyous occasions. Please make the most of them because, before you know it, they have flown the nest and living independently.

Parenting is difficult throughout the transition stages because you have to be prepared to do so much for them, protect them, be there when they need you, give them security, let them know the boundaries and above all, show them love and respect. Thousands of books have been written about child-rearing at different stages. This short piece is just a synopsis from somebody who has been there, collected £200.00 and is now a grandad and loving it.

One thing is certain about raising children at any stage. You will always worry about them. The worse part is when they leave home because you have lost control over them. 

Mums are worse because they constantly worry about how their grown-up children are coping, if they are taking care of themselves, eating properly, and making new friends. It's an emotional time for mums, and they can't help but worry. Most dads pretend to be cool, but underneath that chain of armour, there are big chinks. They worry as well but try not to show it.

Some children are more independent and don't always want their parents on their backs. Others are less confident and need frequent parental contact. They are all unique, and thank goodness they are. It's getting the balance right that's important. If you're not sure, ask them and accept their decision. It's a steep learning curve when they leave home, but most will find a way to survive.

I well remember when I left home to start my first teaching post in Yorkshire, 200 miles away. I was anxious and scared because it was so far away and I didn't know anybody, but you cope because you have to.

As parents, we always want the best for our children, and that's understandable, but at the end of the day, we do need to know when to let go and let them make their own way in the world. They know their parents will always be there for them, come what may.

Talking about dads, I would like to share a true story. 

About a year ago, my step-daughter, who was then 37, suddenly announced she wanted to talk to me about something. My wife and I were staying the weekend, visiting our two young granddaughters. I was quite concerned when she ordered her husband and mother to leave the house for an hour and to take the children with them. 

I didn't know what was coming, but I can honestly say that what happened next was one of the happiest and loveliest moments in my life. She said she wanted to call me dad. She was 9 when I first met her in 1994 when I started seeing her mum. I was shocked, became emotional and cried. We hugged, then laughed, and it was such a beautiful moment for both of us. I felt honoured and so proud.

It may have taken almost 29 years, but it has been worth the wait.

Being a dad is hard work but a privilege. Being a grandad is much easier. You just hand them back over to the parents and go home!

Whatever you do on 'Father's Day,' enjoy the moment. It's a special day for dads of all ages.

Happy reading,



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