My writing came to a stop, well, almost!
It’s been a funny week for all kinds of reasons. First of all, apologies for missing last week’s blog.
It was half-term. Even though I’ve been retired from the teaching profession for over twelve years, my body clock still automatically resonates with the school holidays, a time to wind down, relax and recharge the batteries. And that’s what I did. I assumed I was on holiday and took advantage. Even my writing came to a stop, well, almost!
Actually, it turned out to be a busier week than usual. I’m not making excuses, but if I’m honest, I completely forgot about the blog. This is what happens when you relax too much and have fun.
Something pleasant that made a difference to my normal week was looking after our daughter’s family dog. His name is Cooper, and he is such a cute, well-behaved pet. He doesn’t bark, does as he’s told (Well, most of the time) and likes his walks. Although my wife is his main carer, I join her most days to take him for his daily morning exercise, and I love playing with him. I just wish he would return the ball when I throw it. He’s still a puppy, so perhaps I have time to teach him. Unfortunately, we must return him next week, and my wife will be heartbroken. She’s fallen in love with him and treats him like a baby. This is a woman who only a few months ago swore blind she would never let a dog into her house.
Another distraction to writing was the beautiful October weather. The golf course was beckoning. I normally play twice a week, which is generally enough for my ageing body. However, the kind, warm weather enticed me to play another game. I should have known better. Yes, my body ceased up and I suffered not just from aches and pains but also the humiliation of my wife telling me, ‘I told you not to go and that this would happen. You never listen to me!’ I painfully climbed the stairs, ran the bath, locked the bathroom door and soaked my aching limbs.
I did manage to do some writing. I finished a prequel to my ‘Tom Steven’s ‘ Series, which will be published shortly. I have also almost completed Parts 1 and 2 of Book 2, called ‘An Educated Guess.’
So the week wasn’t a complete waste. Happy reading.